Isn’t this the look that most tourists have just after saying ‘hello’ and right before getting mugged?To this day, this photo is still the most misleading for people who show up to a show thinking I’m a singer
My first time on the ‘Free Fringe’ at the Edinburgh Festival. Thank you Liquid Rooms.This is the first ever full length show that I did with The Stand Comedy Club. The club where I started my career.Emotional WhitemaleLove the Kiwis. The secret to having an amazing audience is make them completely isolated from the rest of the world. They’re over the moon as soon as ANYONE shows up!I had a lot of fun performing this one and toured it around the world. I had a remote controlled mailbox where 5 times during the show I pretended to receive ‘Dear John’ letters from a made up bitch of an ex-girlfriend.My fantastically talented friend Ted Lapierre designed this logo for meKinda named this one after how I was mostly drunk in my twenties and I talk funnyMy first full length show at The Edinburgh Festival. Yep that’s a hockey stick with the word ‘Immigrant’ written on it. My mom even sewed the hobo bag for meThe trickery with the arm shadows was cutting edge I tell ya. Cutting Edge!!Infantile and possibly offensive title? CHECK!
The title routine of this show is the closer on my first album if you’d like to check it out. It’s called ‘Disneyland Story’My original comedy X-men teamThis was the B-side poster. Even I hated this hippy dippy kid too much to put this one in heavy circulation.The B-side poster. I totally know what routine I’m doing during this finger poseI like blue. Duh